Hello, Tyler Here...
Thank you for spending time exploring my website and for supporting a small, independent business. Tyler’s Trouvailles shares my journey of ‘Discovering the people, places and things that make you feel blessed’ in the hope of ‘Inspiring and empowering a generation of self-love and world love’.

My ultimate life goal is to make a difference. Big or small. Making a difference has always been a priority of mine: through my career, volunteering, charitable contributions and lifestyle choices. As a Primary School Teacher and World Explorer, I aim to inspire and share my passion for education, positive wellbeing and the world we live in. Education is the most empowering force in the universe, without it we would have no knowledge, no understanding and no individuality. I am originally from Cambridgeshire, England, but it is safe to say Home is Where The Heart Is… and that is often in many places all at once! I am a travel enthusiast who loves learning about different countries, cultures, people and experiences; sharing these Trouvailles – lucky finds – with those I journey through life with.
It is fair to say that life is not always easy, sometimes you think there are things you cannot escape from, making it difficult to see the positives- I am no exception. All I know is that if you’re willing to learn, change your mindset and pursue the goodness in this world, there will always be something to be grateful for.
Inspiring and empowering a generation of self-love and world love.
Discovering the people, places and things that make you feel blessed.

Discovering is learning. Learning is indispensable and lifelong- it is imperative for personal development, contentment and fulfilment.

Innovating positive relationships to explore and appreciate our world of diversity, shaping a generation of acceptance, unity and understanding.

Sparking curiosity and awakening the mind to a world of new possibilities, limitless aspirations and transformative life experiences.

Believing that passion, accountability and integrity leads to positive influence and change in ourselves, others and the world.
The Problem & The Solution...
There is a frustrating reality that no matter how dedicated and passionate people are, the greatest determiner comes from within: we need to want and know how to be the best we can be. Being a teacher, my mind in constantly thinking about ways to inspire and promote a generation of resilient, ambitious children, but how can we expect children to portray such qualities if the opportunity to understand themselves and the world is not available at a deep, personal level? The sad truth is, universal access to education and opportunities is by far an equal reality- meaning we need work together to learn, connect, inspire and impact.
Above all, in an automated, digital age, I recognised the value of finding ways to motivate our minds to want to genuinely experience life and invest in ourselves. Simply, just putting pen to paper to regularly self-reflect and finding normality in self-talk is the first, greatest step to self-discovery. Understanding ourselves is key to understanding others and the world around us.
A solution is a journey. I spend endless hours researching and reading scientific publications, attending courses and webinars on resilience, happiness, growth mindsets, self-discovery, anxiety, sustainable development… to name a few! Years of working and volunteering within education has enabled application and first-hand experience of invaluable concepts, alongside speaking to countless experts, professionals, parents and children to really understand the need for guidance and strategies to boost self-understanding, initiate growth and equip children and young people with core life skills. That is why I have started the journey of Tyler’s Trouvailles by creating and publishing My Mindful Moments- a life skills toolkit and reflection activity journal.