My Mindful Moments: Life Skills Toolkit & Reflection Activity Journal
Implementing My Mindful Moments in your school or practice has a world of benefits for children and young people, enabling them to explore and understand themselves, others and the world around them through a relaxed, open-minded approach. In the UK, there are approximately 190 school days, meaning this 270 page workbook encourages a growth-oriented and self-reflection activity every school day.

In the Classroom
There are endless ways to support children and young people in the classroom using My Mindful Moments, especially allowing them time to reflect, be mindful and deepen their understanding of themselves and those around them. Classrooms should be a safe space where children can learn and thrive, a space where their development and expression of core values and life skills should be prominent.
- Dedicate a fifteen-minute Mindful Moments session during the day- this could be at the start of the day, winding down after lunch or to finish each school day. This could be independent reflection time or a guided task.
- Use specific activities to develop discussions and supplement the teaching of PSHCE, whilst offering SMSC opportunities.

SEMH & Pastoral Support
My Mindful Moments supports the emotional welfare and overall wellbeing of pupils whilst removing barriers of often difficult discussions about feelings, experiences and reflection. The flexibility of this toolkit enables pupils to reflect independently and/or with an adult, promoting opportunity to develop positive relationships and openness whilst maintaining ownership of their journal.
- Choose content to encourage communication- verbal, nonverbal and visual
- Use My Mindful Moments as a self-help tool both inside and outside of supported sessions
- Boost parental engagement with a dedicated follow-up activity
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)
My Mindful Moments encompasses many curriculum objectives from Key Stages 1-4, as ratified by the National Curriculum and the PSHE Association Programme of Study. Here are specific objectives quoted from the PROGRAMME OF STUDY FOR PSHE EDUCATION KEY STAGES 1-5 (PSHE Association, 2020) that can be achieved independently or complemented through the use of My Mindful Moments.
- Pupils learn what keeping healthy means; different ways to keep healthy
- Pupils learn about how physical activity helps us to stay healthy; and ways to be physically active everyday
- Pupils learn about why sleep is important and different ways to rest and relax
- Pupils learn about different ways to learn and play; recognising the importance of knowing when to take a break from time online or TV
- Pupils learn how to make informed decisions about health
- Pupils learn about the elements of a balanced, healthy lifestyle H3. about choices that support a healthy lifestyle, and recognise what might influence these
- Pupils learn how to recognise that habits can have both positive and negative effects on a healthy lifestyle
- Pupils learn how regular exercise benefits mental and physical health; recognise opportunities to be physically active and some of the risks associated with an inactive lifestyle
- Pupils learn how and when to seek support, including which adults to speak to in and outside school, if they are worried about their health
- Pupils learn about different feelings that humans can experience
- Pupils learn how to recognise and name different feelings
- Pupils learn how feelings can affect people’s bodies and how they behave
- Pupils learn how to recognise what others might be feeling
- Pupils learn to recognise that not everyone feels the same at the same time, or feels the same about the same things
- Pupils learn about ways of sharing feelings; a range of words to describe feelings
- Pupils learn about things that help people feel good (e.g. playing outside, doing things they enjoy, spending time with family, getting enough sleep)
- Pupils learn different things they can do to manage big feelings, to help calm themselves down and/or change their mood when they don’t feel good
- Pupils learn to recognise when they need help with feelings; that it is important to ask for help with feelings; and how to ask for it
- Pupils learn about change and loss (including death); to identify feelings associated with this; to recognise what helps people to feel better
- Pupils learn that mental health, just like physical health, is part of daily life; the importance of taking care of mental health
- Pupils learn about strategies and behaviours that support mental health — including how good quality sleep, physical exercise/time outdoors, being involved in community groups, doing things for others, clubs, and activities, hobbies and spending time with family and friends can support mental health and wellbeing
- Pupils learn to recognise that feelings can change over time and range in intensity
- Pupils learn about everyday things that affect feelings and the importance of expressing feelings
- Pupils learn a varied vocabulary to use when talking about feelings; about how to express feelings in different ways;
- Pupils learn strategies to respond to feelings, including intense or conflicting feelings; how to manage and respond to feelings appropriately and proportionately in different situations
- Pupils learn to recognise warning signs about mental health and wellbeing and how to seek support for themselves and others
- Pupils learn to recognise what makes them special
- Pupils learn to recognise the ways in which we are all unique
- Pupils learn to identify what they are good at, what they like and dislike
- Pupils learn how to manage when finding things difficult
- Pupils learn about personal identity; what contributes to who we are (e.g. ethnicity, family, gender, faith, culture, hobbies, likes/dislikes)
- Pupils learn to recognise their individuality and personal qualities
- Pupils learn to identify personal strengths, skills, achievements and interests and how these contribute to a sense of self-worth
- Pupils learn about how to manage setbacks/perceived failures, including how to re-frame unhelpful thinking
- Students learn how we are all unique; that recognising and demonstrating personal strengths build self-confidence, self-esteem and good health and wellbeing
- Students learn to understand what can affect wellbeing and resilience (e.g. life changes, relationships, achievements and employment)
- Students learn simple strategies to help build resilience to negative opinions, judgements and comments
- Students learn to accurately assess their areas of strength and development, and where appropriate, act upon feedback
- Students learn how self-confidence self-esteem, and mental health are affected positively and negatively by internal and external influences and ways of managing this
- Students learn how to identify and articulate a range of emotions accurately and sensitively, using appropriate vocabulary
- Students learn the characteristics of mental and emotional health and strategies for managing these
- Students learn strategies to understand and build resilience, as well as how to respond to disappointments and setbacks
- Students learn a range of healthy coping strategies and ways to promote wellbeing and boost mood, including physical activity, participation and the value of positive relationships in providing support
- Students learn the characteristics of mental and emotional health; to develop empathy and understanding about how daily actions can affect people’s mental health
- Students learn about change and its impact on mental health and wellbeing and to recognise the need for emotional support during life changes and/or difficult experiences
- Students learn a broad range of strategies — cognitive and practical — for promoting their own emotional wellbeing, for avoiding negative thinking and for ways of managing mental health concerns
- Students learn to recognise warning signs of common mental and emotional health concerns (including stress, anxiety and depression), what might trigger them and what help or treatment is available
- Students learn the importance of, and strategies for, maintaining a balance between school, work, leisure, exercise, and online activities
- Students learn the benefits of physical activity and exercise for physical and mental health and wellbeing
- Students learn the importance of sleep and strategies to maintain good quality sleep
- Students learn to make informed lifestyle choices regarding sleep, diet and exercise
- Students learn the benefits of having a balanced approach to spending time online
- Pupils learn to identify the people who love and care for them and what they do to help them feel cared for
- Pupils learn about how people make friends and what makes a good friendship
- Pupils learn about how to recognise when they or someone else feels lonely and what to do
- Pupils learn simple strategies to resolve arguments between friends positively
- Pupils learn about the importance of friendships; strategies for building positive friendships; how positive friendships support wellbeing
- Pupils learn what constitutes a positive healthy friendship (e.g. mutual respect, trust, truthfulness, loyalty, kindness, generosity, sharing interests and experiences, support with problems and difficulties
- Pupils learn that friendships have ups and downs; strategies to resolve disputes and reconcile differences positively and safely
- Pupils learn that bodies and feelings can be hurt by words and actions;
- Pupils learn about what is kind and unkind behaviour, and how this can affect others
- Pupils learn about how to treat themselves and others with respect; how to be polite and courteous
- Pupils learn to recognise the ways in which they are the same and different to others
- Pupils learn how to listen to other people and play and work cooperatively
- Pupils learn how to talk about and share their opinions on things that matter to them
- Pupils learn that personal behaviour can affect other people
- Pupils learn to recognise the importance of self-respect and how this can affect their thoughts and feelings about themselves; that everyone, including them, should expect to be treated politely and with respect by others in school and in wider society; strategies to improve or support courteous, respectful relationships
- Pupils learn about respecting the differences and similarities between people and recognising what they have in common with others e.g. physically, in personality or background
- Pupils learn to listen and respond respectfully to a wide range of people, including those whose traditions, beliefs and lifestyle are different to their own
- Pupils learn how to discuss and debate topical issues, respect other people’s point of view and constructively challenge those they disagree with
- Students learn the characteristics and benefits of strong, positive relationships, including mutual support, trust, respect and equality
- Students learn the importance of trust in relationships and the behaviours that can undermine or build trust
- Students learn to recognise, clarify and if necessary challenge their own values and understand how their values influence their decisions, goals and behaviours
- Students learn the qualities and behaviours they should expect and exhibit in a wide variety of positive relationships (including in school and wider society, family and friendships, including online)
- Students learn to further develop and rehearse the skills of team working
- Students learn to further develop the skills of active listening, clear communication, negotiation and compromise
- Students learn to develop conflict management skills and strategies to reconcile after disagreements
- Pupils learn about what rules are, why they are needed, and why different rules are needed for different situations
- Pupils learn to recognise the ways they are the same as, and different to, other people
- Pupils learn the importance of having compassion towards others; shared responsibilities we all have for caring for other people and living things; how to show care and concern for others
- Pupils learn ways of carrying out shared responsibilities for protecting the environment in school and at home; how everyday choices can affect the environment
- Pupils learn about the different roles and responsibilities people have in their community
- Pupils learn to recognise the ways they are the same as, and different to other people
- Pupils learn about diversity: what it means; the benefits of living in a diverse community; about valuing diversity within communities
- Pupils learn about the role of the internet in everyday life
- Pupils learn that everyone has different strengths
- Pupils learn to recognise positive things about themselves and their achievements; set goals to help achieve personal outcomes
- Pupils learn about some of the skills that will help them in their future careers
- Students learn to review their strengths, interests, skills, qualities and values and how to develop them
- Students learn to set realistic yet ambitious targets and goals
- Students learn the skills and attributes that employers value
- Students learn the importance and benefits of being a lifelong learner
- Students learn to evaluate and further develop their study and employability skills
- Students learn to evaluate their own personal strengths and areas for development and use this to inform goal setting
- Students learn how their strengths, interests, skills and qualities are changing and how these relate to future career choices and employability
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC)
Globally, there is significant evidence proving the promotion of SMSC in education, positively contributes to the wellbeing, prosperity and attainment of children and young people. Prioritising personal development in schools not only prepares children and young people to live full, active and prosperous lives, it is key factor referenced and judged by Ofsted. My Mindful Moments supports SMSC development in the following ways:
Spiritual Development:
- Promotes opportunity and willingness to reflect on their experiences, views, feelings and choices
- Provides knowledge of, and encourages respect for, different people’s beliefs, feelings, experiences and values
- Prioritises appreciation and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the wider world
Moral Development:
- Promotes understanding and reflection of the choices they make and consequences of their behaviour and actions
- Encourages investigation and appreciation of varying viewpoints and experiences
- Enables reflection and development of qualities, skills and values that are essential in the opening up to the humanity of themselves and others
Social Development:
- Encourages socialising with others and sharing different experiences, feelings, opinions and values
- Promotes transparency and willingness to participate in discussion and activities within a variety of contexts
- Develops and demonstrates skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to modern life
Cultural Development:
- Develops understanding, respect and appreciation of diversity
- Promotes positive interest in exploring, improving understanding of and showing respect for our diverse world
- Enables self-reflection on their way of life, identities, knowledge, beliefs, values, attitudes and understanding

Bulk Discount Pricing for My Mindful Moments-
Order 10+ Journals for £17.90 each
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This educational, growth-oriented workbook includes over 260 pages of activities, guidance and strategies for children and young people to boost self-understanding, initiate development and equip them with core life skills.
Product Details:
- Colourful, illustrated A5 Journal (21cm x 15cm x 2cm)
- High-quality, deluxe 120gsm interior paper suitable for pencils, pens and crayons
- 270 pages organised into four, comprehensive sections
- 300gsm gloss cover to repel fingerprints or smudges
Product Purpose:
- Encourages positive connections with mental health and wellbeing
- Engages mindfulness and appreciation of all thoughts, feelings and experiences
- Promotes lifelong learners with a deep understanding of self and others
- Develops understanding and practice of over 66 life skills, values and personal qualities