What are the benefits of My Mindful Moments?
My Mindful Moments supports the learning and development of children and young people in many ways. They are able to dive into their deepest feelings and reflect on the skills they possess, enabling them to best understand and love themselves. Children and young people have the opportunity to explore 66 skills, values and personal qualities, as well as engaging mindfulness and appreciation for all their thoughts, feelings and experiences. This journal aims to encourage positive connections and openness with mental health and wellbeing, promoting a generation of lifelong learners with a deep understanding of self and others. My Mindful Moments also:
- Provides an insight into your child’s feelings, especially those they may struggle to express verbally
- Develops a positive, open relationship with adults about feelings, life events, worries and aspirations
- Provides opportunities for discussions and addressing of issues based on a mutual understanding of feelings, triggers and your child’s needs
- Encourages opportunities to explore, reflect and discuss different points of view

How can I use this at home?
The flexibility and ownership children have by using My Mindful Moments enables them to reflect independently and/or collaboratively at a pace and time that suits them. Though My Mindful Moments has the most impact when inputted daily, no matter how small the contribution, it can be enjoyed as frequently as desired. There is no specific page to begin or end, children can choose an activity to reflect their mood, discover something new or pursue growth aspirations. It is really important to promote a positive relationship between your child and their toolkit, this should be something they enjoy doing to ensure their input is authentic and beneficial. Here are some ideas to promote the best use of My Mindful Moments:
- Encourage children to complete at least ten minutes of journalling each day- this could even be before school or at bedtime
- Complete a page together, as a family, each week- this could be after dinner or during your downtime
- Take your reflection outside or on your latest adventure- maybe even a long journey
- Dedicate a weekly ‘catch-up’ with child where they can openly share their journaling experience for the week
- Encourage siblings and/or friends to spend time together journalling each week

Explore the educational benefits of My Mindful Moments here...